Monday 19 November 2012

Harbinger Premiere

Good day all. Harbinger's premiere is set for Friday at 16:45 at Cinema Nouveau Rosebank Mall. Tickets are selling out fast and are available directly from us (contact us via our Facebook page - and are R20. The film will also be shown in Cape Town and Durban, so please check your local listings for more information. Also have a look at for full details of the film festival.

Monday 17 September 2012

13 1/2 days to go

In two weeks we will be wrapping up the first day of our 5-day shoot. The crew is really excited to finally start the filming process and put all of our theoretical work into practice. We'll be posting behind-the-scenes photographs and videos over the next few weeks so watch this space.

"There's blood beneath every layer of skin."
Alexander McQueen

Friday 10 August 2012

Johannesburg, 2021

On the corner of Claim Street and Pretoria Street in Hillbrow stands a stark, decaying building which houses the notorious criminal organisation known as the O.T.O. Their mission is to infect the uninfected, to spread the message "Death is Love", and to make us all equal.
"There is blood beneath every layer of skin."
Alexander McQueen (1969 - 2010)